Eine Schule der besonderen Art

Fachoberschule für Landwirtschaft Auer
Schlossweg 10, I-39040 Auer, Tel. 0471 81 05 38
E-Mail: os-ofl.auer@schule.suedtirol.it
PEC: ofl.auer@pec.prov.bz.it

Life is sweeter with chocolate

On Friday, 27th of October the class 4BLU took the train to Rovereto to visit the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rovereto. We had a guided tour in English and could admire the Pantheon-like construction by the starchitect Mario Botta. Afterwards we tasted the prestigious chocolates by the local  chocolate boutique Exquisita. We found out that real chocolate is brown rather than dark and, even more than usual, life is sweeter with chocolate.